Thursday, 22 January 2009

the reason i hate chavs : A

i apologize for not writing for so long, but i feel the need to express to the world (wide web) how revolting, stupid (and whatever horrible word that i can both not think of and not say) these chavs on my bus are. now the 'head chav' is so insecure about himself that he needs to put others down to feel better about himself and to gain the so-called respect from his brainless cronies. i have known this one in particular -nicknamed A- since primary school and i have never liked him. he has constantly and without fail made my life a living hell. And unfortunatly, on this particular day, there was only one seat on the bus. guess who i had to sit next to. yeah. sucks right. it was only to be made worse when i descovered why none of his primate followers were sat with him. there was a leak riiiight above where i was sat. great. its not like there was anythink i could do about it so i endured.
somehow, A found this halarious, taking this oppertunity to torment me even further throughout the journey. eventually i got off and set off to morrisons with two friends (S and L). guess who was stalking us. A decided to follow while throwing taunts at all three of us. we havn't done a thing to him and he still feels that he needs to insult us at every oppertunity. then he catches up to us in the checkout and calls me 'georgeous'. obviously he was being sarcastic. if i was 'georgeous' then it would be one thing but he knows how self-concious i am and says it deliberatly. what a jerk!
i'll stop now because if i continue i'll just bore you all with my deep desire to slaughter him in the most painful way possible...starting with castration.
peace out


Stephen Leach said...

Yay. Write more.
........yeah he is a complete shitbag. I feel for ya
LOL word verification: sodism. Could be A's religion.

That Girl said...

^ lol stpehn's comment.
+ yay write more ^_^

the ones who've known u forever are the worse, it has to be said.