Saturday, 21 March 2009

the glasses saga: part two, and a mini-rant on adverts

hurray! i went down to the opticians this morning and got my glasses repaired! they told me that my poor, poor glasses are in dire need of being replaced. i'll feel a little sad to let them go, they have been with me everyday without fail, witnessed everything i have witnessed, and in a way they have become a part of me. in a way, man's best friend is not only the dog, but the glasses. *sigh*
ah, well.
mothers day tomorrow. no idea what i'm going to do, trust me to leave everything to the last minute. when in doubt, find something completely meaningless and claim that it made you think of her. works like a charm. if all else fails, make the tea. what i hate about all of these mini-holidays, is that you always get adverts on tv selling something they found in a bin, under the catchphrase 'the perfect girt for mothers day' or 'the perfect gift for valentines day'. you've all seen them. last valentines day, no joke, they were selling an album of break-up songs as 'the perfect gift for valentines day'. adverts in general annoy me (i like clever ones though). for this reason alone, i shall never work in advertisement.


Stephen Leach said...

Ha, adverts.
Wait, THREE posts in a month? Are you feeling ok?

That Girl said...

haha aww poor glasses

but lol some adverts
and yeah the holiday-themed gifts always are tacky.