Monday, 27 April 2009

the walking no go zone a.k.a. my personal space and my fight to protect it from chavs

annoyance. i just wrote a massive blog and it didn't post!


anyways, i. hate. little. snotty. chavlettes.

in my free today, i was sat working like a good little girl, when all of a sudden:
a chill goes up my spine as i realise a bunch of baby chavs who think it's funny to call out an altered version of my name right in my face approach. i ignore them as they sit next to me.
>because you're a twat and i hate you.< (in my head) "WHAT YA DOOOIN' GRAAAACEY-BABESSSS?" >working dumb-ass, go away!< (i'm gagging on their garlic breath) teachers ignoring it even as they decide it's funny to put their arms over my shoulder and get right. up. in. my. face. if you know nothing else about me, know that i hate my personal space being invaded. if i let you in, fine do what you like, if i don't then you want to get away and fast. i can't even stand people hugging me if i don't hug them first, it's a security thing. luckily the bell rings before i can give them a peice of my mind (and my fist), so i rush out of the door. guess what. they find it funny to follow me. i spend a good five minutes trying to loose them all over the school. grr... fustration! anywho, chapter one of my story is finished (for those who don't remember, it's posted not to long ago under 'vindication'). it's been a long trek with many miles left but it's a good start, greenpanda seemed to like it so what the hell, i'll keep at it. now, i don't wanna rant again today or i'll give myself an ulcer so i'll just talk about me. here you go, 10 things you may or may not know about me:
  1. iam in love with Marco Pierre White (from hells kitchen btw)
  2. my life revolves around the computer, school and acting so don't expect much variation in later posts)
  3. i have a secret obsession with harry potter
  4. i am one of the select few who HATE high school musical and everything it stands for.
  5. i wish i had cat ears...or elf ears...something like that, if i had a choice though i'd go with purple eyes (sigh...)
  6. the last time i cried properly was two years ago when i couldn't find the dvd remote for my new anime. :(
  7. i rebell by not revising for any exams (shh! don't tell anyone!)
  8. i hate chavs and everything they stand for
  9. i love acting and actually think shakespeare is pretty awesome
  10. i like using big words because i think they make me look clever. they don't, they just make me a little pompous sounding...

meh, thats about it for now,

see ya round i guess!

Saturday, 25 April 2009


guess who's back-back-back
back again-gen-gen
tainted's back-back-back
tell a friend-friend-friend

ta-daaaa! wondering where i've been lately? no? well i'll tell you anyway!
nowhere really... bit of an anti-climax but i just didn't go n the computer for a few days, then the computer was taken to a doctor. meh, that's about it...

when i last posted it was to say how disappointed my drama rehersal went. this has now changed. everything has been on a high since then! i went to see a play called 'april in paris' which was brilliant. there were two actors in the entire thing, and they made it into one of the funnier plays that i have been to see!
the holidays ended with a florish as i went to go and see my mum and sister get baptised. twas a buffet afterwards so i sat through the service for the glorious nosh on display. my dad looked quite interested so i get the feeling soon i'll be the only non-religeous person in the house.

i got very into painting, and i have started painting on canvas. i must say it is coming along nicely. i love art when i'm not being told what to do. i see absolutly no point in copying another artists style, i apreciate how brilliant the paintings are but i would rather develop my own style. call me crazy but...
anyway it's inspired by an anime called D.Grey-man. one of my favorites, its quite dark in places about exorcists and whatnot. but it's funny too. perfect for me! anyhow, its based on my two favorite characters from it. one of them is a villain called 'Tyki Mikk' - funny name but he is brilliantly sinisterly amazing- and 'Lavi' - also equally brilliant but he looks like a pirate for some reason...maybe it's the eye patch. if i even finish it i'll take a picture and post it on here.
i went back to school, got back into the swing of things. went to the technical rehersal which went great. the lighting almost made me cry because i spent so long planning it all out and seeing it come to life was a big deal to me (sobsob). everyone worked hard, we managed to see greenpanda's performance as well (the crucible) which i really liked. all in all, a great day. i think the audience enjoyed it...and so they should! we spend ages on it! i command them to love it! muahahahahaha!!!
sorry, sleep deprevation...

that's about it really, i'll remember to post soon so keep your eyes peeled!

Friday, 17 April 2009

laundry and drama and rants, OH MY!!!

what. a. disappointment.

i went to drama today all optimistic and whatnot, only to be whacked in the face by a 'stray' football. that should have been a warning that my day would not be filled with laughter and smiles. meh, i live in hope. my day was filled with forgotten props, un-learned scripts, evil money-stealing vending machines, and finally the dreaded realisation that we arn't as ready for our exam as we thought we were. even though this was made painfully obvious, the other members of our group refused to work and went home 3 hours early. this brings me on to my rant topic for today.

sheer, unadulterated laziness. otherwise known as the '' i'll do it later '' disease.

things unfortunatly do not get done by themselves. i know. i've tried it before. if you don't get up and do something, nothing will change and you'll just have more to do later. that will just stress you out more and make it even more difficult to actually get round to doing it. it could have been a simple task like washing a plate. but if you put it off, more and more will pile up untill you have nothing left but a big pile of unwashed plates.
however, if you think of things as a big pile of laundry around your feet, it helps. it looks like you'll ver get it all washed. but if you keep looking at the mountain of washing, you'll get tangled up by what's at your feet. so the only way to get things done it to take things a bit at a time, and if it gets too much then take a break. have fun with some friends, then get going again.

in soe ways, the more recent generations (plagued with laziness) are not fully to blame. i mean, how can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras teach patience to its young?

this was essentially our last chance to get our performance sorted and done and we blew it out of sheer laziness. *sigh* honestly.

right. lets end on a possitive for once shall we? the new chapter of my story is coming along nicely thankyou very much! still a while to go before i'll post it as i'm still sorting out the details but any ideas are helpful.

well, thats about it for now. i'm going to see a play soon so that'll cheer me up some.


Thursday, 16 April 2009

the glasses saga: part three and some drama talk

happy belated easter fellow bloggers! and what an Easter it was! not for the chocolate (although i did enjoy it very much), it was because i can finally see in comfort! no longer am i a blind mole-girl, i am seeing mole-girl! the nice optician even allowed me to keep my origional frame and just input new lenses! i have a newfound love for opticians. as i type it feels like the world is in high definition. every letter is beeming at me like a thousand suns.

hows that for a happy post! boo-yah!

anyways, at the optician i found a booklet on contact lenses that change your eye colour. i fell in love with a deep amythist contact lense and a lense of my origional colour with a burst of moonlight grey like an explosion of erm...grey... but i really want them! typical me, i just what i wanted and already i've found something else. sometimes i really hate how fickle and ungrateful i am.

ah well.

today i've been redoing some drama essays that i couldn't be bothered to do well the first time round. grade A here i come! muahahahahahahahahahahaha! i've got drama tomorrow as well, full dress rehersal and i'm still choosing what to wear. jeans are pretty obvious but i somehow got the characer who's most difficult to dress. GAH! FUSTRATION!!! the character of Ruby is a bit of a slag to be honest and is easy to dress for, similarily, the character of Lynette is a very reclusive woman who doesn't go out much so she's relitively easy to dress as well. my character is in the middle so what do i do? also it seems i'm allergic to shopping as i have next to no clothes other then my school uniform. but i spend all of my money on games and books!
anyway, i'll blag through tomorrow and i'll tell you how it went.

i'll blog again soon (probobly)

Saturday, 11 April 2009

crime to society is as broken to bottle


wow, this is weird, posting twice in a matter of hours. i've just been reading greivers blog and it has inspired me to write now about how screwed up the world is. it's not the happy rant i promised but deal with it till later.

basically the world is rotting. and guess who it's all down to. thoughtless, ignorant people who only care about themselves and what they can get out of a situation. did you know that one in every three people would not help a stranger when asked in a poll? i can understand if you're outnumber by a gang of yobs or whatever, but this poll includes finding someone who's been mugged or raped. how could you just walk on by? and they're even thinking about making the already soft prison system even more lenient on people who commit these crimes. i'm not saying that rapists should be raped or that everyone who commits a crime should be shot on sight, but all the prison systems are doing is taking some seriouness out of crime. police officers have become a joke to many people i know. that's just not right!

if anyone has heard of a series called 'death note', this should sound very familiar. it's about a japanese student who finds a notebook that kills whoevers name is written in it, so he uses it to punish criminals and make the world a better place. it's very interesting, all about morals seeing as the good guy in the story is killing people, even if it is for a good cause. but i'll say this. at least he's doing something. people shouldn't have to be afraid of other people. it breeds mistrust and anger which in turn is rotting society. my mum is always going on about how back when she was a child you could leave the doors unlocked and play all day without fear. how is it now? we have double locks on the doors, cctv on our house in case we get attacked again. how is this in any way shape or form acceptable.
there are kids on the street being attacked and killed for no reason. human up for sale on slave markets. young girls and boys sold into prostitution. the world has become a horrible place and most people aren't willing to change.

thus ends my rant for today, a little serious i know, but look forard to something happy.

PC? don't make me laugh!

today, i am here to talk about the pressing issue of...drum roll please...


dun dun dun!!!

many people who know me will possibly know of the sheer intensity of loathing i feel for the politically correct and everything associated with it. in my opinion it is less of a method of protecting human rights, and more of an excuse for right-wing extremists and humourless old soaks to dictate what we can and cannot say.

for example, the jonothan ross/russell brand incident. now i did not hear this broadcast so i won't say whether it was bad taste or not, but i will say that it was carried way out of hand. in fact it was picked up, blown out of proportion, and sent hurtling into outer-space. a few people who heard it complained (fair enough), but when the media got involved it became somewhat of a scandel on the scale of watergate. they both apologised for any offense caused and that should have been that. bit by this point, many many humourless old vegetables who hadn't even heard it, decided that it for some obscure and no doubt pointless reason, decided to get russell the sack and jonothan suspended. why. it was meant in good humour, they were told they could do it, it wasn't received well and therefore they get punished because some miserable old biddy decided to take out their own probolems on other people.

fair enough if it was a personal attack, but it. was. a. joke. it wasn't meant in a mean way.

nobody is forcing you to watch/listen to something you find offensive. don't like it turn over. i don't like eastenders. does that mean i have to suffer through it then complain to the company to stop other people from watching it? no. that would be stupid.


anyway, hello! i'm in quite a frowny mood today...probobly because i've just been ranting...

i'm sitting here with my coffee (of which i've decided has too much sugar) ranting yet again. you lot are probobly bored of it by now so i'll cut this short and try to rant about something i like next time.

heres hoping...

Friday, 10 April 2009

whats new? ...nothing...

haha, i've just realised i've made it past 10 posts! huzzah! lashings of ginger ale for all! (i've never tasted it by the way but it sounds fun...)

i am taking this oppertunity to thank my followers, wonderful people that you are, but also to confront something that is bugging me. thats right, today i am bitch-slapping the education system.

now some of you may wonder at this because beleive it or not, school is not the bane of my existance. in fact i find much of it dare is say.... bareable! however, all is not well in teacherland. for as you see, there is a mass conspiracy to keep the youth of the nation off of the streets. i'm talking about homework.

people today are so paranoid about what Britains youth get up to (cough cough...chavs...cough cough) that they feel we must be suppressed under several mountains of homework.

This. Does. Not. Work.

in fact it only serves as a filter to keep the good, hardworking students in their houses and the anti-social nitwits hanging around street corners because they simply do not care about homework.

now i don't pretend to be a little angel who sits at home working all day tirelessly, in fact i am very anti-social in my own ways. i'm not shy about things that i dislike, and i use the word 'hate' far too easily to discribe things. i am generally a very negative person squatting inside what many people perceive to be a concientious student. in fact, if i had anywhere to go i'd be off in a shot, homework be damned. though alas, i have been caught in the homework trap which confines me to bitter days of lonelyness in front of the computer.

solution? get rid of mandetory homework. 90% of the time its only going over things that you've done in class, and it will sort out those people who don't care from those who do whilst taking the stress out of homework. coursework i understand. it just NEEDS to be done even though it is loathsome.

all in all i blame allan sugar...and chavs.

on to some happier news, i'm not at home at all on friday because i'm out at drama rehersals and then i'm going to see some play. forgot what it's called but ah well, such is life. going to rent of mice and men on dvd, and the father of my sisters baby is bringing some anime over on saterday. huzzah!!!

because i've hardly been out, i've built up a massive store of energy that just will not go away. i've become slightly compulsive in cleaning things - expecially dishes, you can just loose yourself doing them. last night i cound not sleep. i just stumbled around the house like a dopey bear searching for things to do. i listened to my ipod until it ran out of battery, i washed the pots (again), i drank some coffee (not the best idea), i played on my gameboy silently until i'd finished the game, and finally i spent an hour painting my nails badly. i finally drifted off waiting for my nails to dry at about 5ish. that coffee really wasn't what i needed. but hey, when have i ever been sensible about what i do in the morning?

that's about it. i'll post again later but in the meantime, remember to never do your homework!

Thursday, 9 April 2009

the results...dun dun DUUUUUUUN

breaking news!!!

having successfully donned anything and everyting that could be construed as 'chavvy', i decided to take a look in the mirror. what a sight.

i looked the best i've ever seen myself! it was so wonderful that i still am wearing the majority of it! i now understand why chav fasion is so widespread, it can make the most homeley looking onion into scarlet johanson. so in conn to my experiment, we should all become chavs and feel good about ourselves!!!

of course that last paragraph was a concoction of lies and ill-directed malice. upon looking at myself in the mirror i felt physically sick. i strongly advise you do not repeat my experiment as i ended up looking like this:
just imagine your face on top of his. not pretty is it.
just dressing up like that gave me that surley grapefruit attitude i was going for (which truth be told has still not faded). in fact, my self-sacrifice (of which shall NEVER be repeated) has unveiled unto me a most terrible truth... the reason chavs are so anti-social and bad-tempered is because they look like twits 99% of the time.
solution? i'm glad you didn't ask. because i'm all for freedom of expression, i refuse to say 'nyanyanya, you can't do this blahblahblah you can't wear that...' because that just makes my blood boil. so therefore, i have turned once again to passive agression. if faced with a spotty chavlette or tramping chavette or even, god forbid, a blinging alpha chav, i shall walk past them. ignore them. then replace their bling withmirrors that laugh whenever they look in them.
i'm not mean honest...
i'm going to extend my thanks to thatgirl who gave me a great idea of how to progress my story. i shall give you a cyber cookie in thanks.
thats all for today.
feel free to keep sending in suggestions for the progression of my please!
au revoir mes amis!

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

i blame chavs! ROAR!!!

this seems to be a recurring theme in almost all of my blogs. i guess i'm a very predictable person. i rant, blame chavs, rant some more, discover that the cause of everything goes back to chavs, rant about how much i hate chav's.... get the picture? no? here's another:

get it now? good.
if you think about it, chavs cause all of the worlds suffering (directly or indirectly). famine, disease, general annoyance. the only difference between a chav and a coconut is that one is big and hairy and the other's a coconut.
however, it has come to my attention that not everyone classed as a chav is the scum of the earth. some are decent, kind, hard-working youths who just succumb (hehe, funny word!) to peer-pressure and are taken in by the social norm that is 'chavism'. this confused me very much. this epiphany of sorts has made me decide to conciously change my views on the chav culture. i cannot really judge them because i don't know them.
solution? i shall attempt to become a chav for either a day or 20 minutes, depends on how quickly i get bored. i shall don enough burbary to make a ladette blush, enough bling to blind several passing seagulls and the attitude of a surly grapefruit. (which is pretty surly if you ask me...).
before you ask i have taken it upon myself to save two of each kind of fruit in order to preserve the species, as in Noah's ark. i firmly beleive that noone can eat something with a face so i drew very convincing faces on all of the fruit in the house. the only probolem is that fruit have no gender so i may have unknowingly paired up two male banana's along the way (ha! i'm such a faghag (in the words of greenpanda)).
see what boredom does to me!!!
anyway i shall reprot back in with my social experiment results soon.
as for my story, i have hit a writers block so give me inspiration peoples! things that scare you, names that you like, anything that i can work with. i recently got a tip to pretend to be one of my characters and do an online test to get a better understanding. it works a charm, but my computer now thinks i have a homicidal split-personality... oh dear...
well that was a nice long one! i enjoied that muchly. who knows, i may get the hang of blogging yet!
later (brap)