Tuesday, 19 May 2009

me? insane? NEVER!!! ...well, only about 35% or so...

34.659090909090914% insane people.

darn i was expecting higher...

ah well, english lit exam today. went horrible.

well, parts of it anyway. part one (of mice and men) was a snap, i swear, smoke was floating across the room from my pencil i was writing that fast!
i felt the consequences in the poetry section though. i hated all three of the choices, so i picked one at random and blathered on about something or other until i was ready to cry.

it didn't go well.

in other news i'm going out with friends this saterday! it's a rare treat for me as i'm not generally allowed out, so i'm happier then a kitten chasing a leaky cow. aww, what a sickeningly lovely image...

not much else, just felt like blogging. i feel my standard has slipped lately so my next post shall be a nice long rant.

please be patient with me!

Monday, 18 May 2009

boredom post = insanity

i'm sat in the school library with greenpanda, posting simultaniously. we're sooooo wonderful. not.

just called me a mong, the slag, lol.

anyway, i'm giving you all a running commentary of the library goings on. after all, there are a lot of secrets in the school library...buried beneath tonnes of dust and neglected novellas.

actually, there arn't any secrets, but i shall make it my mission today to find one. whether it's what is actually in the librarians private back room, or even the librarys secret store of porn (i know it's there!), i shall uncover the truth!!!


nothing as of yet...

greenpanda just laughed for some reason... now he's calling me to look so hang on...

it was an e-mail i sent like last year and he's only just noticed. *shakes head in exasperation...*

anyway, he's creating a new blog so follow it or he'll kill me.

listening to lily allen...

i've just realised that this is extememly pointless, stupid, and quite frankly one of the worst ideas i've had in a while. and that is something... remember the chav day and drawing faces on fruit? i wish i didn't...

anyway, the librarians are all evil little harpies who squat in their chairs all day and glare at anyone who dares disturb them. i know, they're looking right now.


one's coming over...



only joking. nothings happening so i'll stop now.
i'll probobly do another bordom post later.
see you i guess.

mybook? myface? facespace? who cares!

The day has arrived.

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuun!

The math exam.

okay, it's not all that dramatic, but darn it i have to go dramaless for ages now that i'm on exam leave! math's isn't actually a horrible test... compared to my history... my god that's awful...

i shouldn't really say 'my god' as i don't really believe in one. i've ranted about this before but it's such a big topic and i've never really gone into detail before for one reason or another. nor shall i today, but watch this space because it's coming.


in other news, i finally succumbed to the norm and got myself a facebook.

ha, take that society! now i'm one of you! you're stuck with me! muahahahahaha!!!

the proboblem with facebook is that i'm very slow with it and therefore it takes ages to do anything. but hey, you can't argue with 51 friends!

seriously though, i really am loathe to join in with the whole online chatting thing (this doesn't count btw). i find it pointless, time consuming, and very superficial.

'just one more friend on myspace...then i'll be happy and fulfilled and whatnot...'

'just one more picture of myself...then i'll be popular....'

doesn't make much sense, i have nowhere near 51 people i consider my friends. i count about... five. six if i'm in a loving mood and i'm fine with that. it's like a competition. a strange, morally distorted competition.

it's even worse when someone you don't like wants to be your friend. i have no. idea. what. to. do.

firstly, this girl i used to be on and off friends with but we never really liked each other we shall call H and i fall out. pretty badly, rumours flying and whatnot. then she acts like it's all my fault. (i won't go into details but it wasn't me) now she adds me on myface or whatever, and i have no idea what to do.

doI callouslydeny her feeble attempts to add another friend on mybook and cruelly crush her spirit? or do i grudgingly accept her friend request and be forever followed by the horror that is H.

meh, i'll just avoid the issue like normal, but i really cannot stand her.


right i sound really grouchy today so feed me comments and soothe my wrath!

soothe it!

Friday, 8 May 2009

fish obituaries.

if life gets you down, think about my fish and the world shall magically appear that little bit less horrible.


well let me explain...

my fish is an inspiration. no matter how much we don't feed, clean, or pay attention to it, it refuses to die. hmm. superfish... i love him for his grit and determination which inspires me to this day, but he really needs to get a move on. i'm not being mean, but if i were him i'd have given up long ago.

once our fish tank was full and thriving, but now it's just a sad parody of its former glory-with one remaining fish, a tiiiiny little thing that somehow manages to survive. i wouldn't mind so much if it weren't for the fact that he disappears inside the tank, and only reappears when we decide that he's probobly died and that we should empty the tank. he must have a little tunnel leading to a secret food supply with a mini fishy-sofa and tv (don't ask me how electricity works underwater).

i don't want to appear insensitive, but i am, so that's how it appears.

anyway i feel i've been neglecting my blog as of late so i think i'll post a lot in the next few weeks (or at least till i get bored of it).

gosh, last week of compulsary education.

'tis both a sad and joyous thing. i definatly won't miss history, but i've just had my last lesson this morning so... HA! IN YOUR FACE! i still have the exam to go, but what the hey, what's the worst that can happen.

i've decided to follow suit with greenpanda and write an obituary for all of my lessons. i've done them all for 11years of my life, i owe them that much at least.

so, ahem:

history : what can i say. the bane of my existance (well, one of them at least). i used to be good at it but... alas i went astray. i used to dread the stuffy classroom, the endless coursework, the intolorable amounts of dates, and the teachers unusual fetish for documentarys by david attenborough. no more however. it has been banished.

english : i love english. so much that i'm carrying on with it so nothing really to write. i used to hate it but now it's become apparent that i have a (and i quote) 'natural gift' (looks smug) i was compelled to continue. oh, english related news, i've been nominated to go to oxford university and go to an english seminar to meet the author Philip Pullman (you'll know him from books such as 'his dark materials' and the golden compass). haha, am i not special!...no i don't have a rapidly inflating ego...

biology : this was also a thorn in my side-but it was an enjoyable thorn because i liked biology. i had some coursework issues but meh, that's all in the past. still, i'm glad i don't have anymore tests in it.

maths : i actually have an untapped love of maths. i luurve maths now. i might have considered continuing it but i still need to fight the urge to cound on my fingers (shhh, don't tell anyone!). my teacher's nice, if not a little eccentric, but hey, i like 'em like that! boring teachers make the subject boring. i don't want to loose all that hard work in maths so i'll probobly sit at home when i'm 30, pouring over my old revision guide and sobbing '...good times!...waaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!' i can see it now.

R.E : it's alright. subject's not bad, but i hate my class. i'm gonna sound so prudish, but i hate loud classes. classes are for working, not eating snow. it happened. tut, idiots.

drama : drama is the sunshine in my otherwise dull, gloomy, and depressing life. so naturally i'm never gonna stop. NEVER! NEVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!! ( i need to stop having suger)

student support : not been in it long, and good thing to. so patronising. you can tell that they go to regular classes on how to talk out hostage situations and council agressive chavs at once. they all look identical too...could this perhaps be some form of conspiricy?... i'll get back to you on that...

chemistry : guh, don't remind me. i don't hate it but i most certainly don't like it either.

physics : same as chemistry really, but the teacher ROCKS! he's a tad ditzy but noone's perfect. physics i may miss. not decided yet.

french : i would adore french if we weren't tested in it. i just love languages. i would continue it but...no...just no to the horrific exams.

hmm. that's all my lessons.

that'll be all for today folks.

(anyone get the feeling this blog was slightly morbid- having just talked about ding fish and obituarys... no? just me then...)

Monday, 4 May 2009

'the fork shall inherit the earth' or the bored ramblings of a mole with nothing better to do

it's official. there is something more evil and cunning then the chav. one object that has more asbo's then the entire population of london and manchester combined. i think we all know what i'm talking about.

that's right. the fork.

Only this morning I was assaulted by one seemingly innocent fork. I trusted it to carry my dinner into my salavating mouth, but I was betrayed.

This foul fork escaped from my grasp and decided to impale itself deep into my foot. Well... I say impale...it was more like a gentle stab, but it was a stab nonetheless!

Needless to say, I felt alone and vunerable once again. The only evidence of my brush with potential death by fork - four red dots on my foot.

Meh, I'm bored, thats the only reason I'm writing something so ridiculously pointless on a bank holiday monday. Ah well, school restarts tomorrow so I'll have something to do.

There we go, shorter post today for no adiquatly explored reason. If you need a reason, blame the fork and its conspiricy to take over the world.

Saturday, 2 May 2009

teachers and a bit of self-pity: my newest blog

greetings boys and girls of bloggerland!

i've deliberatly held off blogging lately so i can keep these nice and long. short posts don't appeal to me anymore so i thought i'd lead the new frontier and keep posts long.

so 'whats been a-happening?' i hear you ask. well in answer to your question, not much exciting but enough to write about for a while.

first off you'll be happy to know that that ignorent little chavling got his commupance. ha. serves him right! little turdbag...

aparently there was at least one competant teacher in the room because he got detention and is now being removed from the room. HA! JUSTICE! it just goes to show. don't invade the bubble.

hmm, what else...

Drama exam yesterday. went well i guess, next lesson we get to watch the recording which isn't too great. i hate watching myself-especially on film. guh. i know i should get used to it, but i never think my voice is as loud and prepubescently squeaky as it seems on camera.

in liu of one of my friends (s), i have been compelled to complain about a teacher. it's probobly the pregnancy hormones but she is evil.
my reasons for thinking this? well...
  1. her classroom is never less then 50 degrees. i don't think she can survive in colder temperatures as i have NEVER seen her out of her classroom. it's like being in a hawaiian heatwave up there.
  2. she lives (and works) is the highest room in the tallest tower. really. the very very top of the school, highest room. tad suspicious if you ask me...
  3. she repeats the same two phrases over and over when she's fustrated. she's like a malfunctioning robot! ('excuuse me!.... folks!....folks!....excuuuuuse me!...)
  4. she snaps at people over email but never in person. she's nice as pie infront of other people but when you're on your own...alone and vunerable...she strikes and hurls e-abuse at you.
  5. i thought i saw a green scale once...on her arm...

the only good thing about her is that she is going to be teaching me japanese next year, so i guess i can conveniently forget about the scales...for now...

speaking of scary teachers, there's one who freaks me out so badly i want to stick a tomato up his nose. (don't ask me why, i just do).

he has only three expressions:

  • bored
  • slightly more bored
  • even more bored

he. scares. me.

he lurks around this one corridor, staring blankly at every student. his eyes follow you everywhere. you never see him move more then 5 metres at once. he travells around the school by morphing through the walls. you can tell he's close by because all of the joy gets sucked out of the room. he's like a joy hoover.

S ran right into him yesterday and his expression did not cahnge. he just stared. waited. and continues walking slowly away.

S looked like he was scarred for life.

anyway, i'm not here to hurl abuse at people i know, even though i do it a lot...

i sat here right now eating some pocky (or mikado for anyone who doesn't know that's their proper name), reading fanfiction, listening to the harry potter theme tune (remix!), and attempting to do my physics coursework. i feel like the biggest nerd in the world. but that's good because i'm feeling happy.

if i've learned nothing else in my life, i have learned the importance of happiness.

all around me are people rushing around, panicking over GCSE's and a-levels, getting into a right old tiz. i however have realised that i'd rather be happy then work myself to death for a load of results i would have gotten even if i hadn't revised. sure i may read through my notes the night before, but most GCSEs are about skills-and these you cannot revise.

so chill. focus on happiness. a possitive attitude does wonders. even if it's hard to be possitive, just fake it, one day you can even convince yourself that you're happy. i distinctly remember recalling GreenPanda saying i have a horrible life. yup. there are times i think that, but i realise that compared to a lot of people i have a great life. especially since all i can complain about today are a few teachers and a brainless monkey-chav-hampster hybrid. i do think myself a selfish person, there are so many third-world kids that would love to have a life like mine where, lets face it, i've been quite privilaged. then lets look at me who has so much, takes it for granted, and would die if it meant i could be someone else.

i didn't mean to turn this post in to a self-pity fest but it's happened so i'll abstain from depressing posts for the next few days (if i decide to write again).

till next time,

mata ne!