Monday, 4 May 2009

'the fork shall inherit the earth' or the bored ramblings of a mole with nothing better to do

it's official. there is something more evil and cunning then the chav. one object that has more asbo's then the entire population of london and manchester combined. i think we all know what i'm talking about.

that's right. the fork.

Only this morning I was assaulted by one seemingly innocent fork. I trusted it to carry my dinner into my salavating mouth, but I was betrayed.

This foul fork escaped from my grasp and decided to impale itself deep into my foot. Well... I say was more like a gentle stab, but it was a stab nonetheless!

Needless to say, I felt alone and vunerable once again. The only evidence of my brush with potential death by fork - four red dots on my foot.

Meh, I'm bored, thats the only reason I'm writing something so ridiculously pointless on a bank holiday monday. Ah well, school restarts tomorrow so I'll have something to do.

There we go, shorter post today for no adiquatly explored reason. If you need a reason, blame the fork and its conspiricy to take over the world.

1 comment:

That Girl said...