Sunday, 23 August 2009

WTI (wasp transmitted infections) and lazy conspiracys

if i had to eradicate any species from the face of the planet, it would be wasps.
without a doubt.
here is a list about why i loathe them so:

  • first off, they BUZZ in your FACE!!! purely to annoy you.
  • second, they're sneaky! occasionally you can hear one, but cannot see one. making you paranoid for the rest of the day.
  • thirdly, they hate me. no matter who else is in the room, they automatically go straight for me
  • and that's not mentioning that one has just stung me. TWICE!!!

i was innocently sat in a restaurant when out of nowhere, one flew up my leg, decides it doesn't like me anymore. violently attacks me, and try's to make a quick getaway...

...noway that was gonna happen.

normally I'd spare the poor thing, but this one was just begging to be put out of it's misery... not to mention it's given me wasp aids...

so now I'm sat here with ammonia on my leg, gritting my teeth and wondering why wasps seem to be addicted to causing me pain.

should i go into another conspiracy rant?

meh, can't be bothered, so you lot can fill in the gaps.

okay, the basic format for a rant:

-blanks- are under government control so that -blank- can happen, which in turn creates a -blank- for all of the -blanks-. so in effect, what they don't want you to know is that -blank- and -blank- are trying to -blank-.

there, if you want a rant, do it yourself.

okay, moving on, my Pokemon binge is going swimmingly, panda's going to help me complete my pokedex, I've almost finished Colosseum, and i finally evolved what I've come to know as the fugly fish (feebas) into a milotic.

fugly fish was infuriatingly difficult to find - so much so that i spend 3 days of my life searching for it.

was it worth it? we'll see when i complete the Dex, but i get the feeling that I'll be left feeling that I've wasted a good chunk of my life.

i also dug out some of my old Digimon toys.

ahhhh, nostalgia.

i've been wearing my season 2 digivice all day. it's both funny and slightly sad.

other then that, nothing blog worthy has happened. so hold tight, once i get my results you can expect a loooooong rant.

brace yourselves for a long, whiny, and boring time from me until then.


Thursday, 13 August 2009

GCSE's, mind-rape, and pokemon overloads are not good for the health!

Guh, i feel like I've been mind-raped by GCSE anxiety.

I've finally and begrudgingly conformed to the fear of exams which i previously didn't mind.
in fact, i sort of revelled in them and enjoyed the silence that is so hard to come by nowadays.

this ended last night when my mum asked when i got my results.

at first i didn't really care, but then i felt an unfamiliar gnawing at my insides.
no, it wasn't a tapeworm, it was fear.

sheer unadulterated, x-rated, heart chilling, sweat dripping, heart attack inducing fear.

history I'm not concerned about, I've definatly not passed that minefield - the only real question being just how badly i failed.
i mean, i was so tired in the exam that i couldn't read the question since the words seemed to be spinning.
in the end i just went to sleep. i at least want to have a failure worthy of a miniature firework display.

English is a big worry since anything below an A* is considered a failure to me if no one else.

drama i have no idea and that makes it all the worse. it's ten times worse when you have no idea how you did.

i was obsessing about it so much last night that i had the randomest, hallucinogenic mind fuck dream ever.
my brain went so overloaded that i produced chemical crack in my sleep.
i won't tell you about it but it did involve an accordion, a White rabbit, a nervously laughing viking woman and a levitating Mr. Bean.

i now feel like i have an idea of what mind altering drugs are like.

luckily, I'm feeling better now but my mum wants to go up to the school and collect the results instead of waiting for them like i want to.

it's a good job i don't know when they're out really, but if someone can give me a heads-up on the actual date that'd be lovely :)

right, next item of business, i found a new mission in life.

i will absolutely conquer Pokemon emerald and Colosseum - legendary Pokemon included.
it won't last long, but as long as it keeps my brain from wandering to other potentially dangerous activities it can't be a bad thing.

I've got about 98 on emerald in the last two days since I've been playing none stop, and before i say it, yes i know I'm a sad little game freak.

I'm also replaying ocarina of time and, if i have time, ff vii.
school is looming though, and i should really get to work round about now.
whatever, still a few weeks left.

okay, i admit, my first love is procrastination in all it's forms, but as long as things get done eventually, i don't see a problem.

anyway, that's long enough for now.
till next time folks

p.s. avoid over thinking at night, it does more damage then good!!!

Sunday, 9 August 2009

boredom, sangria, and a note to the panda

wow, it's been a while, right?
every day I've started a new post, but i can never find anything to talk about - quite a feat as normally i don' shut up XP

so finally, i decided. i WILL post something if it's the last thing i do! so here we are.

first off, i saw an incredible movie last night.

green panda, if you're reading this: WATCH THIS MOVIE! there's one character in it (called 'the comedian') who seems to have jumped right out of that comic book you love so much, the boys.

it's called 'the watchmen' and it is probably my new favorite movie




yeah... what else...

I'm going over to a friends house on Friday... should be fun...


I've gotten a huuuuuge bottle of sangria all to myself so that'll be gone by tomorrow, before you say it, I'm NOT an alcoholic!

okay I'm done, sorry for the short post but whatever, I'll make up for it when i have something to blog about.
later then!

Sunday, 2 August 2009

bordom = rants on pokemon, geletin conspiracys, and risembool rangers

last blog was cheerful so to keep the balance I'll start off with a complaint!
ha, take that optimists!

firstly, I'm angry that pocky is still publicly referred to by its' slave name : mikado

nuff said

secondly, I'm livid that Hannah-I'm-so-bloody-perfect-Montana is still on the TV every time i turn it on.

i would continue but I'm boring myself right now and I've just finished my glass of sangria (mmmmmn!).

okay then peeps! what's occurring?

nothing? me neither.

I've spent the entire day updating my ipod and playing Pokemon emerald.
i wouldn't mind, but i know that tomorrow I'll be doing the exact same thing.

Good thing is that I've lavished so much of my time and attention on my Pokemon, i feel a deep emotional bond to each and every one of them, but especially my blazekin (balero) and my breloom (shroom).
in fact, i seriously doubt I'll ever be able to delete this file. sigh. this is going to be farmville all over again...

i need to wait another week for the next chapter of Naruto to be translated into English, that should be fun i guess.

once again boredom sets in and I'm missing school (even if there are suspiciously creepy teachers lurking around the corridors).
see the thing about school is that you can't live with it and you can't live without it.
i dread the day when my life is no longer run by the bell and is instead run by an evil boss who is most likely going to overwork and under pay me.

that's if there are any jobs available, luckily I'm going into a very niche area of work so there can't be as much competition. woo! go me!

also, I've developed a weird craving for jelly babies....
don't ask me why, i rarely eat them, if ever.

wine gums sedate me for now but every time someone goes out i ask for some jelly babies.

but alas, babes of jelly come there none....

apparently there's some kind of psychology around how you eat jelly babies.

apparently if you eat the limbs of the jelly baby, you're more sadistic then if you bite the heads off and give them a nice quick 'death'...

maybe i was wrong in the past by a jelly baby and therefore harbour an unknown (and therefore unexpressed) resentment towards the anthropomorphised delicacies....
and now, a list of possible reasons why i might feel the need to ritualistically torture a jelly baby.

  1. maybe a jelly baby cheated on my with some sugary-smartie skank...?
  2. maybe a jelly baby slaughtered my family (, I'm quite sure that's not it...)
  3. I'm actually part jelly baby and was ostracised from other as a small child, therefore feeding feelings of isolation and resentment....
  4. maybe jelly babies are anti-anime.? (a serious offence in my book!)
  5. maybe jelly babies are a chav creation sent from the mother ship to conquer this planet from the belly's of it's inhabitants...
  6. maybe jelly baby's are actually tracking devices...
  7. or mind control devices....
  8. or maybe they're sedatives, created for the sole purpose of making the nation too lazy to do anything, thus allowing the streets to become contaminated with crime and debauchery!!!

that last one is it, I'm sure of it!

anyway, I'm bored again sooooooo.......






(I'll stop shouting now XP)

anyway, I'll rant about him for a while now :) see how my mood has automatically lifted!

his name be Vic. Vic Mignogna.
his name in itself deserves to be in bold, i am a proud risembool ranger (the name we, of his fan club, sworn friendly rivals of the miniskirt army).
Vic is funny, has a great singing voice, and is insanely talented. full stop.
anyway, aforementioned friend met him (grr...jealous!) and got his autograph for me!
if you're reading this C.... you...rock!!!

that's another reason for school to start, i can't get my greasy mitts on it until school restarts! Le gasp! I'm not that patient darn it!

so until then, i shall continue to act like I've got rabies and go loco over Pokemon, jelly babies, and Vic.

till then,

night night, don't let the jelly baby's bite!

Saturday, 1 August 2009

skeletons, distractions, and a sense of well-being

and what have I been up to?

oh a great many things! massive fun, for a kick off!
i noticed, much to my amusement, that my skeleton hoodie (of which i have become inseparable lately) actually has glow in the dark bones and a FREAKY scary skull.

so i said to myself - 'TF my dear, what tomfoolery can we expect from this?'
- 'why, all kinds of mischief! we could... sneak out at midnight, find a
drunken chav and scare him sober by pretending to be a scary zombie...'
- 'what a ripping idea, old chum!'

I'll stop it now.

but my plot was foiled by that diabolical mastermind, forgetfulness.
i was all set to sneak out the side door and walk up to the pub, but (perhaps wisely) i got distracted from my anti-social hi jinks (he he, funny word) by a spectacular program called 'you have been watching' and i ended up having more fun watching that then i ever would scaring a chav into sobriety.

the AA will thank me I'm sure

who'd of thunk it?

so I'm relatively chirpy today, if not tired. baby is 23 days old today (or thereabouts) and he seems to have the lungs of a 23 year old.

and that's without his pissing everywhere.

yet he still seems to be the most befuddlingly adorable thing I've ever seen.

ugh, i feel so..... sickeningly doting!

in other news, psycoville is over. may we all grieve our loss with a unanimous and resounding

I've figured out how to work the blinds having had them since the age of 11

I've not been rotting away in front of the computer as per usual.

I've actually been out and about with friends

I've dressed up as a nun (again. i might post a picture later on if you're really nice to me :P)

and I've gotten a new appreciation for Michael Jackson

what a great holiday!

or is it......?

yep, so far so good. apart from getting a bloody foot from walking in awkward shoes (don't ask) and a revitalised love of Pokemon on all of my game stations, nothing has had a downside.

being the (relatively) lovable pessimist that i am, i know that things are probably going to go wrong very very soon.

i have a sixth sense for these things.

or, according to Stephen fry, a twelfth sense.

for as you see, we are always taught about the five senses.
sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.

but what about a sense of balance? or decency? or thermosensory? a sense of direction?

roughly there are about 11.

anyway, off i pop.

ta ra