Saturday, 25 April 2009


guess who's back-back-back
back again-gen-gen
tainted's back-back-back
tell a friend-friend-friend

ta-daaaa! wondering where i've been lately? no? well i'll tell you anyway!
nowhere really... bit of an anti-climax but i just didn't go n the computer for a few days, then the computer was taken to a doctor. meh, that's about it...

when i last posted it was to say how disappointed my drama rehersal went. this has now changed. everything has been on a high since then! i went to see a play called 'april in paris' which was brilliant. there were two actors in the entire thing, and they made it into one of the funnier plays that i have been to see!
the holidays ended with a florish as i went to go and see my mum and sister get baptised. twas a buffet afterwards so i sat through the service for the glorious nosh on display. my dad looked quite interested so i get the feeling soon i'll be the only non-religeous person in the house.

i got very into painting, and i have started painting on canvas. i must say it is coming along nicely. i love art when i'm not being told what to do. i see absolutly no point in copying another artists style, i apreciate how brilliant the paintings are but i would rather develop my own style. call me crazy but...
anyway it's inspired by an anime called D.Grey-man. one of my favorites, its quite dark in places about exorcists and whatnot. but it's funny too. perfect for me! anyhow, its based on my two favorite characters from it. one of them is a villain called 'Tyki Mikk' - funny name but he is brilliantly sinisterly amazing- and 'Lavi' - also equally brilliant but he looks like a pirate for some reason...maybe it's the eye patch. if i even finish it i'll take a picture and post it on here.
i went back to school, got back into the swing of things. went to the technical rehersal which went great. the lighting almost made me cry because i spent so long planning it all out and seeing it come to life was a big deal to me (sobsob). everyone worked hard, we managed to see greenpanda's performance as well (the crucible) which i really liked. all in all, a great day. i think the audience enjoyed it...and so they should! we spend ages on it! i command them to love it! muahahahahaha!!!
sorry, sleep deprevation...

that's about it really, i'll remember to post soon so keep your eyes peeled!


Stephen Leach said...

Sounds good. Agree with the damn art thing, but I wanna see yours! It'll be better than my piece for the exam.
Lol at the religious thing too. Seeing an adult get baptised instead of a baby is really freaky, like seeing a baby wearing body armour.

That Girl said...

o.o before i even start with my comment i would like to ake this oppertunity to point out the word verifcation;baptison.
D: coinky dink?!

ahh i also agree with the art thing. i didnt take it coz at high school we just had to copy others. there's no freedom with educational art these days.