this seems to be a recurring theme in almost all of my blogs. i guess i'm a very predictable person. i rant, blame chavs, rant some more, discover that the cause of everything goes back to chavs, rant about how much i hate chav's.... get the picture? no? here's another:

get it now? good.
if you think about it, chavs cause all of the worlds suffering (directly or indirectly). famine, disease, general annoyance. the only difference between a chav and a coconut is that one is big and hairy and the other's a coconut.
however, it has come to my attention that not everyone classed as a chav is the scum of the earth. some are decent, kind, hard-working youths who just succumb (hehe, funny word!) to peer-pressure and are taken in by the social norm that is 'chavism'. this confused me very much. this epiphany of sorts has made me decide to conciously change my views on the chav culture. i cannot really judge them because i don't know them.
solution? i shall attempt to become a chav for either a day or 20 minutes, depends on how quickly i get bored. i shall don enough burbary to make a ladette blush, enough bling to blind several passing seagulls and the attitude of a surly grapefruit. (which is pretty surly if you ask me...).
before you ask i have taken it upon myself to save two of each kind of fruit in order to preserve the species, as in Noah's ark. i firmly beleive that noone can eat something with a face so i drew very convincing faces on all of the fruit in the house. the only probolem is that fruit have no gender so i may have unknowingly paired up two male banana's along the way (ha! i'm such a faghag (in the words of greenpanda)).
see what boredom does to me!!!
anyway i shall reprot back in with my social experiment results soon.
as for my story, i have hit a writers block so give me inspiration peoples! things that scare you, names that you like, anything that i can work with. i recently got a tip to pretend to be one of my characters and do an online test to get a better understanding. it works a charm, but my computer now thinks i have a homicidal split-personality... oh dear...
well that was a nice long one! i enjoied that muchly. who knows, i may get the hang of blogging yet!
later (brap)
ahaha omg chav for a day?
ooh you shjould have done a sponsor for a charity xD xD
hmm as for the story
try and weave an unusal object into it.
eg. grapefruit. xD
hmm the story was about that manic murderer. so perhaps see what happens if they find love and end up seducing them to kill?
Oh my god. Chav for a day? I must seeeeeeeeeee
Hmmmmm. Sounds good.
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