Monday, 18 May 2009

boredom post = insanity

i'm sat in the school library with greenpanda, posting simultaniously. we're sooooo wonderful. not.

just called me a mong, the slag, lol.

anyway, i'm giving you all a running commentary of the library goings on. after all, there are a lot of secrets in the school library...buried beneath tonnes of dust and neglected novellas.

actually, there arn't any secrets, but i shall make it my mission today to find one. whether it's what is actually in the librarians private back room, or even the librarys secret store of porn (i know it's there!), i shall uncover the truth!!!


nothing as of yet...

greenpanda just laughed for some reason... now he's calling me to look so hang on...

it was an e-mail i sent like last year and he's only just noticed. *shakes head in exasperation...*

anyway, he's creating a new blog so follow it or he'll kill me.

listening to lily allen...

i've just realised that this is extememly pointless, stupid, and quite frankly one of the worst ideas i've had in a while. and that is something... remember the chav day and drawing faces on fruit? i wish i didn't...

anyway, the librarians are all evil little harpies who squat in their chairs all day and glare at anyone who dares disturb them. i know, they're looking right now.


one's coming over...



only joking. nothings happening so i'll stop now.
i'll probobly do another bordom post later.
see you i guess.


Stephen Leach said...

You truly are a heartless psychopath.

Stephen Leach said...

OMG had to post another
WV: defockey

XxtaintedflamexX said...

why thankyou, i am indeed a psycopath, thanks for niticing! :)

That Girl said...

ahhh you have failed my task D:

it needs to be more like
"greenpanda sneezed..., OMFG THE OUTRAGE YOU CANT DO THAT IN A PUBLIC PLACE! THAT MERE SECOND OF INTERUPTION WILL HAVE PUT EVERYONE OFF! AND NOW I MAY HAVE CONTRACTED SWINE FLU!... in other news, mavis just returned a book on the formation of clouds and says it is a thrilling read, especially the part about precipitation!"

AnAcrusis said...

*headshot's harpies*
problem solved ^-^