Friday, 8 May 2009

fish obituaries.

if life gets you down, think about my fish and the world shall magically appear that little bit less horrible.


well let me explain...

my fish is an inspiration. no matter how much we don't feed, clean, or pay attention to it, it refuses to die. hmm. superfish... i love him for his grit and determination which inspires me to this day, but he really needs to get a move on. i'm not being mean, but if i were him i'd have given up long ago.

once our fish tank was full and thriving, but now it's just a sad parody of its former glory-with one remaining fish, a tiiiiny little thing that somehow manages to survive. i wouldn't mind so much if it weren't for the fact that he disappears inside the tank, and only reappears when we decide that he's probobly died and that we should empty the tank. he must have a little tunnel leading to a secret food supply with a mini fishy-sofa and tv (don't ask me how electricity works underwater).

i don't want to appear insensitive, but i am, so that's how it appears.

anyway i feel i've been neglecting my blog as of late so i think i'll post a lot in the next few weeks (or at least till i get bored of it).

gosh, last week of compulsary education.

'tis both a sad and joyous thing. i definatly won't miss history, but i've just had my last lesson this morning so... HA! IN YOUR FACE! i still have the exam to go, but what the hey, what's the worst that can happen.

i've decided to follow suit with greenpanda and write an obituary for all of my lessons. i've done them all for 11years of my life, i owe them that much at least.

so, ahem:

history : what can i say. the bane of my existance (well, one of them at least). i used to be good at it but... alas i went astray. i used to dread the stuffy classroom, the endless coursework, the intolorable amounts of dates, and the teachers unusual fetish for documentarys by david attenborough. no more however. it has been banished.

english : i love english. so much that i'm carrying on with it so nothing really to write. i used to hate it but now it's become apparent that i have a (and i quote) 'natural gift' (looks smug) i was compelled to continue. oh, english related news, i've been nominated to go to oxford university and go to an english seminar to meet the author Philip Pullman (you'll know him from books such as 'his dark materials' and the golden compass). haha, am i not special! i don't have a rapidly inflating ego...

biology : this was also a thorn in my side-but it was an enjoyable thorn because i liked biology. i had some coursework issues but meh, that's all in the past. still, i'm glad i don't have anymore tests in it.

maths : i actually have an untapped love of maths. i luurve maths now. i might have considered continuing it but i still need to fight the urge to cound on my fingers (shhh, don't tell anyone!). my teacher's nice, if not a little eccentric, but hey, i like 'em like that! boring teachers make the subject boring. i don't want to loose all that hard work in maths so i'll probobly sit at home when i'm 30, pouring over my old revision guide and sobbing '...good times!...waaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!' i can see it now.

R.E : it's alright. subject's not bad, but i hate my class. i'm gonna sound so prudish, but i hate loud classes. classes are for working, not eating snow. it happened. tut, idiots.

drama : drama is the sunshine in my otherwise dull, gloomy, and depressing life. so naturally i'm never gonna stop. NEVER! NEVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!! ( i need to stop having suger)

student support : not been in it long, and good thing to. so patronising. you can tell that they go to regular classes on how to talk out hostage situations and council agressive chavs at once. they all look identical too...could this perhaps be some form of conspiricy?... i'll get back to you on that...

chemistry : guh, don't remind me. i don't hate it but i most certainly don't like it either.

physics : same as chemistry really, but the teacher ROCKS! he's a tad ditzy but noone's perfect. physics i may miss. not decided yet.

french : i would adore french if we weren't tested in it. i just love languages. i would continue it no to the horrific exams.

hmm. that's all my lessons.

that'll be all for today folks.

(anyone get the feeling this blog was slightly morbid- having just talked about ding fish and obituarys... no? just me then...)


That Girl said...

ahhh my fish refuses to die too
but i dont want mine to die D:
if you feed em too much it kills em. they have a stomach the size of a pinhead.

ahhh lesson obituarys. i love physics though ^.^ ftw.

Stephen Leach said...

............. lol.

Wayne said...

Your fish is tougher then most people I know