Monday, 18 May 2009

mybook? myface? facespace? who cares!

The day has arrived.

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuun!

The math exam.

okay, it's not all that dramatic, but darn it i have to go dramaless for ages now that i'm on exam leave! math's isn't actually a horrible test... compared to my history... my god that's awful...

i shouldn't really say 'my god' as i don't really believe in one. i've ranted about this before but it's such a big topic and i've never really gone into detail before for one reason or another. nor shall i today, but watch this space because it's coming.


in other news, i finally succumbed to the norm and got myself a facebook.

ha, take that society! now i'm one of you! you're stuck with me! muahahahahaha!!!

the proboblem with facebook is that i'm very slow with it and therefore it takes ages to do anything. but hey, you can't argue with 51 friends!

seriously though, i really am loathe to join in with the whole online chatting thing (this doesn't count btw). i find it pointless, time consuming, and very superficial.

'just one more friend on myspace...then i'll be happy and fulfilled and whatnot...'

'just one more picture of myself...then i'll be popular....'

doesn't make much sense, i have nowhere near 51 people i consider my friends. i count about... five. six if i'm in a loving mood and i'm fine with that. it's like a competition. a strange, morally distorted competition.

it's even worse when someone you don't like wants to be your friend. i have no. idea. what. to. do.

firstly, this girl i used to be on and off friends with but we never really liked each other we shall call H and i fall out. pretty badly, rumours flying and whatnot. then she acts like it's all my fault. (i won't go into details but it wasn't me) now she adds me on myface or whatever, and i have no idea what to do.

doI callouslydeny her feeble attempts to add another friend on mybook and cruelly crush her spirit? or do i grudgingly accept her friend request and be forever followed by the horror that is H.

meh, i'll just avoid the issue like normal, but i really cannot stand her.


right i sound really grouchy today so feed me comments and soothe my wrath!

soothe it!


Stephen Leach said...

When she added me I spent about a day deliberating whether or not to add the hairy horror. I eventually did........ fool.
Good luck for maths. I miss drama too.
OMG LOL at the WV : gluvust
Sounds like a sticky paste.

That Girl said...

hoorah facebook :D

AnAcrusis said...